Amor, Paz e Esperança

Characterized by its predominence of the color blue, the painting Amor, Paz e Esperança - a 40 x 32 centimeters oil on canvas piece named after the bittersweet, yet peaceful song by illustrious composer Hermeto Pascoal - expresses a sense of ambivalent tranquility through its colors and the presence of light, fading brush strokes on the canvas, potentially serving as an allegory for the calming sea after storm and turmoil, and the blooming hope for a better, more tranquil time; one with love, peace and hope as its anchors.

40 x 32 cm

O meu olhar azul como o céu
É calmo como a água ao sol.
É assim, azul e calmo,
Porque não interroga nem se espanta...
— Fernando Pessoa


